It’s Fashion Revolution day tomorrow, Thursday 24th April. For those of you who haven’t come across the idea before:
To quote, ‘turning fashion into a force for good.’
The shocking figures show 1133 people were killed and over 2500 were injured in the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh a year ago tomorrow. In this world of social and environmental catastrophes, Fashion Revolution looks at ways to help, promote and support. The key message: be curious, find out more, and more importantly do something.
The day challenges you to ask questions about the fashion industry, what you are wearing and you as a consumer. Your clothes tell a story, one which many of us choose to ignore. Through the power of fashion we can reconnect the broken links in the supply chain.
How to get involved… start a revolution and wear your clothes inside-out! Help initiate change for a more sustainable future, and post your support on Instagram by tagging @Fash_Rev and #InsideOut.
On this first anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster our friends at Designer Jumble are organising a day of fashion at Westfield Stratford:
All are welcome to join the event and be a part of the day